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Hoey Apothecary first opened its doors in Madison in 2013. However, the precursor to Hoey Apothecary was Door Creek Pharmacy, which Kevin and Janell opened in Cottage Grove in 1996. We first became introduced to compounding through a young pharmacist who worked at Door Creek Pharmacy for several years. After dabbling a little, we realized the value of compounding and the necessity of having the proper space and equipment in order to compound correctly, safely and effectively.


In 2003, we built our first dedicated compounding lab within our pharmacy. Since then, we have continued to grow and invest in our lab to enable us to produce the highest quality products. In addition to investing in our lab and equipment, we have been continuously investing in our knowledge and experience in compounding practices. Currently, we have five licensed pharmacists on staff, each with their own area of expertise, making for a huge wealth of knowledge that we can dedicate to solving unique problems.



Our mentors at the Professional Compounding Centers of America (PCCA) provide one of the best explanations of compounding that we have seen:


Compounding is the art and science of creating personalized medicine. It all starts with a problem: the child who can’t swallow pills, the patient with a gluten allergy, the much-needed drug that’s in short supply. For whatever reason, many people aren’t served by mass-produced medications. A compounding pharmacy is able to provide a solution. 


That’s where compounding pharmacies come in. Special flavorings, unique dosage forms, innovative delivery methods – using these tools and more, compounding pharmacies work with prescribers to fill a gap in health care through customized solutions for specific patient needs.

Compounding is a great option to explore for people who: 

  • Have allergies to common mass-produced medicine fillers (casein, gluten, dyes, etc.) 

  • Aren’t taking medication as prescribed due to unpleasant side effects or lack of improvement 

  • Need custom medicine strengths and dosage forms that aren't commercially available

​For patients, compounding can be life-changing, even lifesaving. And, it’s highly rewarding for compounding pharmacists and practitioners, helping them solve some of health care’s toughest challenges.

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Health & Wellness

At Hoey Apothecary we carry only high-quality, pharmaceutical grade supplements. In addition to supplements, we have a wide selection of skin care, healthy snacks, pet treats,and more!

Health & Wellness

Our Team

Our pharmacy is full of talented, knowledgeable, skilled employees who are eager to help you find the best health solutions for you and your family. Meet our owners and pharmacists!



At Hoey Apothecary we believe that knowledge and education are the basis of good health care. Providing patients, customers and our providers with the tools and information to live a healthy life is at the core of who we are as a company.

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Kathleen D.

Went because my wonderful Doctor advised me to go! I was on Hydrocodone and other meds. Getting off is hard! You have to be totally off pain meds for 3 days or more to use the LDN!! Great place to go for Fibro and pain!

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